
分类:海运新闻 来源:达飞轮船中国 时间:2018/06/25

怀着无比悲伤的心情,达飞集团宣布集团创始人主席雅克∙萨德(Jacques R. Saadé)先生,于2018年6月24日在法国马赛因病去世,享年81岁。

雅克∙萨德先生将其一生奉献给了达飞集团(CMA CGM)。他是一位非凡而具有远见卓识的企业家,他使得达飞集团发展成为了全球集装箱海运的领导者之一,业务网络覆盖160多个国家,同时一直坚守以家族传统为核心的企业价值观。

40年前,为使家庭免受内战纷扰,雅克∙萨德先生离开黎巴嫩来到法国。预见到未来世界贸易的重大发展,并确信集装箱业将在世界海运中发挥决定性作用,雅克∙萨德先生于1978年9月13日在马赛成立了一家海运公司(CMA)“Compagnie Maritime d’Affrètement”



雅克∙萨德先生将高速的内部增长与战略性收购相结合,使得公司在关键市场上的影响力不断扩大:1996年收购法国国营船公司Compagnie Générale Maritime (CGM)、1998年收购澳大利亚国家航运公司(ANL)以及2005年收购主营非洲业务的达贸轮船(DELMAS)。2006年,达飞集团跻身为世界第三大集装箱海运公司。


基于达飞集团的发展与创始地马赛港密不可分的关系,雅克∙萨德先生于2006年在马赛建立了达飞集团总部大楼 – 达飞塔(CMA CGM Tower),而集团的新总部大楼也成为马赛的城市地标之一。




(Lebanon’s National Order of the Cedar)2014年,雅克∙萨德先生获得了地中海工商协会颁发的奖项,以表彰他为促进地中海盆地经济发展、树立积极形象,以及促进全世界的和平与宽容所做出的努力和贡献。

2015年,雅克∙萨德先生被法国总统授予国家荣誉军团司令官勋章(Commander of the French Legion of Honor)。第二年,雅克∙萨德先生荣获法国国家海事功绩司令官勋章(Commander of the Ordre National du Mérite Maritime)。




It is with infinite sadness that the CMA CGM Group announces the death of Mr. Jacques R. Saade, Founding President of the CMA CGM Group, on the 24th of June 2018 at the age of 81.

Jacques R. Saadé dedicated his life to CMA CGM. An extraordinary visionary and entrepreneur, he made the Group into a world leader in the maritime transport of containers, developing the company in more than 160 countries, while maintaining the family dimension with its values. 

After having left Lebanon to protect his family for Civil War, Jacques R Saadé founded the Compagnie Maritime d’Affretement (CMA) 40 years ago, on 13 September 1978, anticipating major developments in world trade and convinced that the container would have a determining role in world maritime transport. 

He began with 4 employees, a single ship and only one maritime service between Marseilles and Beirut. Then began the company’s extraordinary development. In 1983, he sent his first ships beyond the Mediterranean and had them cross the Suez Canal. In 1986 he launched a service linking North Europe to Asia. In 1992 he opened CMA’s first office in Shanghai, persuaded that China would become the world’s factory. 

He combined vigorous internal growth with strategic acquisitions allowing him to strengthen the company’s presence on key markets : CGM in 1996, ANL in 1998 and Delmas in 2005. In 2006, the company became the third largest container shipping company in the world.

With strong ties to the city of Marseilles, where the Group was founded, Jacques R. Saadé built the CMA CGM Tower in 2006, the new headquarters of the Group and now a symbol of the city of Marseilles. 

He was always attentive to strengthening the ties between France and Lebanon. 

Jacques R. Saadé was a recognized industry leader with a worldwide reputation. In 2013 he received one of the highest decorations of the City of Hamburg, the Admiralitäts-Portugaleser.  He also received an Honorary Doctorate from the American University in Lebanon, as well as Lebanon’s National Order of the Cedar. In 2014 Jacques R. Saadé received an award from the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) for encouraging the economic development and conveying a positive image of the Mediterranean Basin, as well as promoting peace and tolerance worldwide.  

In 2015, he is conferred the title of Commander of the French Legion of Honor by the President of France. The following year he was named Commander of the Ordre National du Mérite Maritime.

On 7 February 2017, on his 80th birthday, Jacques R. Saadé, appointed Rodolphe Saadé to the position of Chief Executive Officer of the CMA CGM Group and then appointed him Chairman of the Board of Directors on the 24th of November, the same year.


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